magasines : reveal CSP case study
1) How many of the 12 magazine cover key conventions feature on this edition of Reveal? List them with specific reference to the convention on the CSP edition of Reveal. 4: mashead , image , barcode , cover lines 2) What is the font choice used on the cover and what does this choice connote? Here's a blog to help you with this as we haven't been able to complete the Photoshop typography lesson yet due to Covid-19. Pink . Pink is a colour that is known to relate with femine acts . 3) How do the cover lines appeal to the Reveal target audience? They are all about love . 4) What are the connotations of the Reveal colour scheme on this particular front cover? Feminenenity , love , nice . 5) How are images used to create interest in the magazine? Find three reasons for your answer. (E.g. mise-en-scene such as props, costume and make-up, body position, facial expression). They are wearing fancy clothes and some make up to call out a fashion crowd . They are body...