Mise - en - scene stranger things analysis

                                                     Mise-en-scene :stranger things analysis


C-ostume     L-ighting     A-ctor placement and movement     M-ake up    P-rops      S-etting


Stranger things consists of 3 different genres which are mystery , science fiction and supernatural .

 Choose THREE aspects of Mise-en-scene (e.g. costume, lighting, setting) and write a short paragraph for each about the denotation and connotation in the opening 8 minutes of Stranger Things. What is being communicated to the audience? How does the mise-en-scene help to communicate the genre of Stranger Things? 

1) In stranger things there are loads of props.There are bikes , telephones,and a board             game.All of these are from the 1980's;the 3 of the 4 main characters had a bike which        was extremely popular in the 80's.There was a board game that came out in the 1980's       which is named dungeons and dragons :which they were playing.Also one of the boys          sister had a telephone from the 80'as and their was also a feature of a none dial telephone.

2)They're is also some meaningful costumes.At the beginning there is a man wearing a lab coat,this means that he could've been involved with a type of science or could of been trying experiments and 1 of them could've gone wrong.The kids also had clothing of big tv company productions.

3)In the first video there is very good lighting.As its starts the camera shot was on a scary long road with buildings.It was very dark and gloomy which could mean spooky and something weird was about to happen,then they showed the inside of a laboratory and a man was running then reached the elevator , but there was a flickering light then he disappeared.When the kid reached the prohibited area there was a black gloomy flash in the sky then he ran. after that he ran home into his shed and grabbed a gun however there was a extremely bright light bulb and then it ended .


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