Reception theory
1) What is the preferred reading of a media text?
This is the message or ideology/belief that the producer wants you to go away with.
2) What is the oppositional reading of a media text?
When the audience rejects the preferred reading , and creates their own meaning for the text . This can happen if the media contains controversial themes that the audience member disagrees with.
3) How does the Harry Brown trailer position the audience to respond to the teenage characters in the film?
The trailer is trying to present the teenagers as mischieveus and annoying,as they have made Harry extremely angry and have even killed people.
4) Why might young people reject this reading and construct an oppositional reading of the trailer?
Young people will reject that reading because they are presented as bad which they always aren't bad so they want to be shown as something else not always trouble and ill mannered people.
5) Write a 150+ word analysis of the McDonald's advert using preferred, negotiated and oppositional readings.
The stuart hall theory will show the , preffered meanings of this text . The big mac is shown as very big that it is the size of a whole mean ; they are trying to say that it is really filling and big , this could mean that you will just need the big mac as it is so big and filling. Another preffered reading is that the big mac is fresh and healthy ; they show this when they put imposing descriptions ,such as crunchy and repeating fresh multiple times this will make the consumer think taht is healthy and lots of people looking for tasty but people looking for healthy food will purchase the product.
The stuart hall theory also has a oppisitional reading for this.The big mac is supposed to be showed as very big and so big that you dont need a meal but you can just eat a single big mac , in reality the big mac is way smaller than showed and not that filling. Another reading is that the producers are trying to show the big mac as healthy and fresh when it is processed and the food is not fresh at all.
The stuart hall theory has a negotiated reading which is a mix between oppistioanl and preferred readings. One reading for this is that the big mac is shown as big and fresh ; it is not extremely big but is big, the big mac is not fresh.In conclusion there are lies and truths about the advertmisent.
The stuart hall theory shows the preferred reading.A preferred reading for this adverstisement is that it says it is sweeter than revenge which means that it is extremely sweet and full of flavour and lovely to drink . Another reading for this is it is shown as very bright , bright is supposed to connote happiness which could mean the advertisers are trying to say coca cola makes you happy and feel good .This will make many people want to purchase this product because they want sweet drinks and bright drinks.This will make a lot of drink lovers come through to purchase coca cola.
There is also an oppisitional reading in the stuart hall theory . A oppisitonal reading for this is is that coca cola is not extremely sweet and is bitter, this can put of many customers that were looking for a sweet tasty beverage . Another reading is that it is shown as bright and lovely when it isnt really ; some reasons are : it is highly addictive , so addictive a person feels sick if they dont drink it which is absoloutley horrible and disgusting. Also it is shown as sweet which is not the truth as it contains of lost of bitterness and fizz.
The stuart hall negotiated reading is a mixture between the two of the readings.A reading is that it is sweeter then revenge, they are tyring to say that revenge is a really sweet feeling but coca cola is nicer than revenger , but on the other hand revenge is a not pure which could mean the same about coca cola .
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